Owner John Martel has been building and promoting web sites since January of 1996. His first site, MLM Success Web (no longer active), was launched as a way to promote various MLM ventures. He knew that building a site around a single program or simply a site with only a few pages would never get traffic. To solve this problem, he built a resource site loaded with general Multi-Level Marketing information. I began to redesign this site and launched it on its own domain name, but lack of time and interest on my part prevented a full-scale site.
A site I launched many years ago... I stopped updating it awhile ago but am planning a whole new site that should launch later this year. HumanHealing.com
BabyHeartMonitor.net - A niche store offering baby heart monitors and other baby monitors.
CitrusZester.com - A niche store offering citrus zesters, cookbooks and other tools to add more zest to your life.
TeakwoodChair.com - Great deals on quality indoor and outdoor teak chairs.